FANCL 洗顏粉, 大概很多人都用過.
To the Hell and Back
(From here)
I had a fever last night. My new sandals ruined.
Please take my advise. Never ever get yourself stuck at a train station in China on a rainy day.
I had a terrible horrible day yesterday.
After spending a rather relaxing weekend in Shanghai, Mr.B and I were on the way back to our city. When we checked out the hotel at ten, the sky clouded over. Not a good sign. We had lunch at 新天地鼎泰豐 Xin-Tian-Di Ding-Tai-Feng. Great meal. However when we headed to the train station after lunch, it started to rain and so did my nightmare.
The train station was a chaos. Full of people and messy as always. It is not intolerable when the weather is moderate and dry. However on a rainy day, the place turns into a wet, smelly and dirty hell. I struggled through the people across the dark, puddled hall, minded my valuables and tried not to trip on my new, platform sandals. I sighed for relief after I got on the train. Without words, I cleaned the food crumbs somebody left on my seat, turned on my I-pod and tried to be optimistic about the situation.
Finally the train arrived. Here comes the worst part. Outside the train station, Mr.B and I waited in the rain for 45 minutes for a stupid taxi. It was cold and windy. My jeans and shoes were wet. We stood close together to avoid being poked in the eyes by occasional careless umbrellas and the madness of people trying to file through us from every direction. While I was in the middle of a nervous breakdown, Mr.B seemed to be calm and even whistled an unnamed tune. When we were finally at the door of our hotel, when the familiar doorboy called "Ms.B!" and came out to help me with my luggage, I almost cried.
I had a fever last night. My new sandals ruined.
I know this might not be a big deal for some people. My intolerance might sound childish and unnecessary. However, everyone has a weak spot. And mine happens to be exactly what I had to endure yesterday: anything, anywhere wet and filthy.
Voice Dropped Jaws
Watch this video Susan Boyle Sings on Britain's Got Talent 2009 Episode 1
Don't we like surprise like that?
Don't we like surprise like that?
I went to Beijing last weekend. Didn't do much sightseeing because my husband was sick and the air pollution was intolerable at this time of the year. Might revisit in fall when the sky (hopefully) clears up. In spite of the hazy sky and dusty air, Beijing is still one of my favorite cities. No matter how many times I have been to the Forbidden City, everytime I go, I feel deeply touched by the magnificence of the place and by being so close to the long forgotten history.
Signora da Vinci by Robin Maxwell
Signora da Vinci by Robin Maxwell
故事圍繞中世紀末期歐洲文藝復興時期, 本人最喜歡的題材.
主角是文藝復興時期大師達文西 Leonardo da Vinci 的母親.
很罕見的題材, 因為有關的歷史記載很少.
達文西出生於義大利城鎮 Vinci,
生父Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci是一名notary (即公證人).
也有提及過一名叫 Caterina 的老婦人, 晚年跟達文西共住過差不多一年.
這位婦人去世後, 達文西很詳細地記下葬禮的瑣事、費用等.
她是筆記裡唯一提及過的female household member,
在Signora da Vinci 書中, Caterina跟其父在Vinci經營一所Apothecary’s shop,
售賣醫學治療或日常用的香料、藥, 有點像今日的藥劑師.
煉金術是中世紀的一種化學哲學的思想, 是當代化學的雛形.
煉金術和跟違反天主教義的哲學理論 , 如Platonic and Hermetic philosophy.
在作者筆下, 母親Caterina 和祖父是達文喜無窮創造力和超世思想的啟發.
少年達文西到著名畫家 Verrocchio 的畫廊當學徒,
思念兒子的Caterina 竟然女扮男裝遠赴Florence.
也跟最大影響力的Medici家族領袖Lorenzo de Medici發展一段秘密、感人的愛情故事.
流蘇覺得最有趣的地方, 是書中出現了很多文藝復興時期舉足輕重的人物.
如達文西、Lorenzo de Medici、Andrea del Verrocchio、Sandro Botticelli、Michelangelo等.
他們活靈活現地穿插於故事中, 跟主角一同生活, 笑談古今,
另外故事中提及到不少有名的歷史事跡, 如the Shroud of Turin, Bonfire of the Vanities...
在古代男尊女卑的社會中, Catarina 就像神奇女俠一樣.
一個女子, 憑個人的知識頭腦和脫俗思想, 游刃於最頂尖的知識分子之間, 把臂為朋, 並肩抵抗強權的壓迫, 勇敢追求科學和真理.
渡過精采無憾的後半生, 雖然她無可奈何始終要以男裝以謊話來保護自己.
書的前1/3節奏稍嫌緩慢, 但是越看越精采, 流蘇非常推薦這本書.
PS: 另外一本跟Bonfire of the Vanities有關的小說The Rule of Four,
也是流蘇非常喜歡的, 有空再介紹.
Signora da Vinci by Robin Maxwell
故事圍繞中世紀末期歐洲文藝復興時期, 本人最喜歡的題材.
主角是文藝復興時期大師達文西 Leonardo da Vinci 的母親.
很罕見的題材, 因為有關的歷史記載很少.
達文西出生於義大利城鎮 Vinci,
生父Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci是一名notary (即公證人).
也有提及過一名叫 Caterina 的老婦人, 晚年跟達文西共住過差不多一年.
這位婦人去世後, 達文西很詳細地記下葬禮的瑣事、費用等.
她是筆記裡唯一提及過的female household member,
在Signora da Vinci 書中, Caterina跟其父在Vinci經營一所Apothecary’s shop,
售賣醫學治療或日常用的香料、藥, 有點像今日的藥劑師.
煉金術是中世紀的一種化學哲學的思想, 是當代化學的雛形.
煉金術和跟違反天主教義的哲學理論 , 如Platonic and Hermetic philosophy.
在作者筆下, 母親Caterina 和祖父是達文喜無窮創造力和超世思想的啟發.
少年達文西到著名畫家 Verrocchio 的畫廊當學徒,
思念兒子的Caterina 竟然女扮男裝遠赴Florence.
也跟最大影響力的Medici家族領袖Lorenzo de Medici發展一段秘密、感人的愛情故事.
流蘇覺得最有趣的地方, 是書中出現了很多文藝復興時期舉足輕重的人物.
如達文西、Lorenzo de Medici、Andrea del Verrocchio、Sandro Botticelli、Michelangelo等.
他們活靈活現地穿插於故事中, 跟主角一同生活, 笑談古今,
另外故事中提及到不少有名的歷史事跡, 如the Shroud of Turin, Bonfire of the Vanities...
在古代男尊女卑的社會中, Catarina 就像神奇女俠一樣.
一個女子, 憑個人的知識頭腦和脫俗思想, 游刃於最頂尖的知識分子之間, 把臂為朋, 並肩抵抗強權的壓迫, 勇敢追求科學和真理.
渡過精采無憾的後半生, 雖然她無可奈何始終要以男裝以謊話來保護自己.
書的前1/3節奏稍嫌緩慢, 但是越看越精采, 流蘇非常推薦這本書.
PS: 另外一本跟Bonfire of the Vanities有關的小說The Rule of Four,
也是流蘇非常喜歡的, 有空再介紹.
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