
To the Hell and Back

(From here)

I had a terrible horrible day yesterday.

After spending a rather relaxing weekend in Shanghai, Mr.B and I were on the way back to our city. When we checked out the hotel at ten,  the sky clouded over. Not a good sign. We had lunch at 新天地鼎泰豐 Xin-Tian-Di Ding-Tai-Feng.  Great meal.  However when we headed to the train station after lunch, it started to rain and so did my nightmare.

The train station was a chaos. Full of people and messy as always. It is not intolerable when the weather is moderate and dry. However on a rainy day, the place turns into a wet, smelly and dirty hell. I struggled through the people across the dark, puddled hall, minded my valuables and tried not to trip on my new, platform sandals. I sighed for relief after I got on the train.  Without words, I cleaned the food crumbs somebody left on my seat, turned on my I-pod and tried to be optimistic about the situation.

Finally the train arrived. Here comes the worst part. Outside the train station, Mr.B and I waited in the rain for 45 minutes for a stupid taxi. It was cold and windy. My jeans and shoes were wet. We stood close together to avoid being poked in the eyes by occasional careless umbrellas and the madness of people trying to file through us from every direction. While I was in the middle of a nervous breakdown, Mr.B seemed to be calm and even whistled an unnamed tune. When we were finally at the door of our hotel, when the familiar doorboy called "Ms.B!" and came out to help me with my luggage, I almost cried.

I had a fever last night. My new sandals ruined.

I know this might not be a big deal for some people. My intolerance might sound childish and unnecessary. However, everyone has a weak spot. And mine happens to be exactly what I had to endure yesterday: anything, anywhere wet and filthy.

Please take my advise. Never ever get yourself stuck at a train station in China on a rainy day.


Oyen said...


Aww what a sad onion ring face

Still looks yummy though!

Jessica K said...

I feel you. I rEALLY do. I was in a train station in Shanghai once, it was a sunny and dry day and I swore I was NEVER to step in ANY public transportation stations in China EVER. I can't imagine how it'd be if it was raining... just thinking about sends shivers down my spine.

Sorry you had to go through that!!

Mrs.0 said...

我那天才聽說了一個故事, 也是發生在上海,我朋友說如果你要在上海坐計程車的話, 妳一定要有很好的身手, 還要很厚臉皮 因為沒有人會讓你的. 妳一定要用 "搶" 的. 我朋友說好幾次她攔了車子, 車子也停下來了, 她才一轉頭拿地上的行李, 車子已經被另個人坐上去開走了...就這樣..他攔了1個多小時 都沒有坐到車子 還走路回去. 當時覺得他很誇張 因為在台灣可是計程車氾濫呢. 希望妳心情好點了喔! 哈 我會留言了呢^_^

白流蘇 bailiusu said...

to Oyen,
I bet you like onion rings ^^

白流蘇 bailiusu said...

Thank you Miss Jess.
I try to avoid going out on rainy days in China. period.
This time the rain caught me by surprise...eh...I didn't even have an umbrella!

白流蘇 bailiusu said...

其實流蘇也沒有不開心,只是覺得超~級~倒~楣~just my luck@@

Misstina said...


所以如果不趕時間 下雨和下班時間寧可在餐廳吃飯或逛逛百貨等發時間 等沒下雨了or時間過了再叫車

不過我們在上海期間真的很少搭地鐵 一來住的地方有段距離再來實在不喜歡人擠人

寧可多點$$叫車坐 地鐵實在搶不過當地人呀

白流蘇 bailiusu said...

Hello Tina,

Vege Soup 菜湯 said...

如果我的chloe新鞋被毀了, 我也會氣的不得了. 我很怕人多又下雨的場合, 下雨已經不舒服了, 人一多我更會全身燥鬱, 還好美國這點就是比亞洲好, 人少地大, 真的心情會比較好耶.

白流蘇 bailiusu said...
